We believe ALL athletes' needs do not differ by gym class activities, but rather by the degree of effort and goals. We have over 7,000 sq feet of indoor gym space to accommodate both small and large classes. In addition, we have acres of marked farm trails for running or walking. Members can bring their dogs and families to enjoy our trails as part of our low monthly membership.
At TRN, we encourage all our gym members to choose a healthy lifestyle to enable the benefits of a well-rounded exercise program. Our certified trainers work hard to develop programs that are efficient and effective in getting the results you want from weight loss to weight gain. Please contact Stephanie for more info. We proudly offer the MYZONE SYSTEM to our gym clients to enhance their workout experience.
Heart rate belts are available for purchase. Members find that monitoring their heart rate during classes and watching the progress of others, helps to push themselves to new levels of performance and expectations.
At TRN, we encourage all our gym members to choose a healthy lifestyle to enable the benefits of a well-rounded exercise program. Our certified trainers work hard to develop programs that are efficient and effective in getting the results you want from weight loss to weight gain. Please contact Stephanie for more info. We proudly offer the MYZONE SYSTEM to our gym clients to enhance their workout experience.
Heart rate belts are available for purchase. Members find that monitoring their heart rate during classes and watching the progress of others, helps to push themselves to new levels of performance and expectations.
Full access to acres of trails, unlimited Metcon classes, certified trainers, programming that works.
Additional Equipment/repair fee of $60.00 per year per person assessed into two $30.00 payments (Feb and Aug).
Our certified trainers work hard to develop programs that are efficient and effective to get the results you want.
We offer group training, interval classes that utilize body weight movements, dumb bells, kettle bells and medicine balls concentrating on true form.
Running, rowing and air dyne bikes in a circuit that will leave you breathless and hungry for more.
Additional Equipment/repair fee of $60.00 per year per person assessed into two $30.00 payments (Feb and Aug).
Our certified trainers work hard to develop programs that are efficient and effective to get the results you want.
We offer group training, interval classes that utilize body weight movements, dumb bells, kettle bells and medicine balls concentrating on true form.
Running, rowing and air dyne bikes in a circuit that will leave you breathless and hungry for more.
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